16th January 2025

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Queniborough Parish Council Serving the people of Queniborough

Queniborough Neighbourhood Plan

Queniborough Neighbourhood Plan passes referendum

The results of the referendum on the Neighbourhood Plan for Queniborough are:

Electorate 2458
Turn out 43.12%

Yes 993
No 62

The Neighbourhood Plan must now be taken into account when Charnwood Borough Council make decisions on planning for the village.

Queniborough Neighbourhood Plan goes to referendum on 6th May 2021

Following an independent Examination, Charnwood Borough Council has determined that the Queniborough Neighbourhood Plan, as modified to incorporate the Examiner's recommendations, should proceed to Referendum. The referendum will take place on May 6, 2021 alongside the local elections.

Further information is available on Charnwood Borough Council's website

Queniborough Neighborough Plan Independent Examination

Comments received through the pre-examination consultation have been forwarded to an independent Examiner, Mr John Slater. He has considered whether the neighbourhood plan meets the basic conditions and other legal requirements and has now recommend that, with some amendments, the plan should now proceed to community referendum.

The final report and other documents arising from the examination are made available below:

Charnwood Parish Council consultation on the Queniborough Neighbourhood Plan

In accordance with the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (as amended) the Queniborough Neighbourhood Plan and supporting documents were submitted to Charnwood Borough Council on June 17, 2020 for the purpose of consultation, examination and, if appropriate, a referendum ahead of it being 'made' (adopted) as part of the local plan for the area.

Charnwood Borough Council has considered the Plan against the statutory requirements set out in paragraph 6 of Schedule 4B of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) and is satisfied that these have been met and it can proceed to consultation.

Due to the recent Covid-19 pandemic Charnwood Borough Council the consultation ran over an extended period of 10 weeks to account for any disruption caused. The consultation ran from Monday August 3 to Monday October 12, 2020.

Should you have any queries regarding the Neighbourhood Plan or its submission then please contact the Planning Policy Team on 01509 634929 or email localplans@charnwood.gov.uk.


In accordance with Part 5 Regulation 15 of the Neighbourhood Planning General Regulations 2012 as amended by the Neighbourhood Planning (General) (Amendment) Regulations 2015 (The Regulations), the draft Queniborough Neighbourhood Plan was submitted to Charnwood Borough Council on June 17th. The Neighbourhood Plan and supporting documents can be accessed here:

Charnwood Borough Council will arrange a six-week consultation which will take place before it is sent to an independent Examiner. The Examiner will either recommend that:

i. the Plan is submitted to a referendum;

ii. is modified to meet the 'Basic Conditions' and then submitted to a referendum; or

iii. the Plan is refused.

If the Examiner is satisfied, Charnwood Borough Council will arrange a referendum. If the Plan is approved by a simple majority of those voting in the referendum, the Borough Council will adopt it.

Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group

Queniborough Parish Council set up the Queniborough Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group to oversee the production of the Neighbourhood Plan. The committee consists of both Parish Councillors and members of the public.

The Queniborough Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group has twelve members.

Chair: Pam Jones
Vice-Chair: Liz Ellis
Secretary: Kate Hill
Treasurer: Mike Duxbury

The other members are: Susan Graham, Ben King, Phil Laughton, Paresh Patel/Carol Shaw, Neill Ransom, John Weston, Mike Wiseman

Consultation and Engagement

The Consultation Statement demonstrates how we engaged the community and others in shaping the development of the Queniborough Neighbourhood Plan. Further details are set out below.

Public Information Open Event

This was the first consultation event held as part of the process of preparing the Queniborough Neighbourhood Plan. It took place on 30 September 2017 at Queniborough Village Hall.

Stakeholder Consultation Workshop

The Rural Communities Council (RCC) was commissioned by the Queniborough Neighbourhood Plan Steering Committee to organise and independently facilitate a consultation workshop of key local stakeholders which took place on 7 November 2017.


In March 2019 a questionnaire survey of local households and businesses was undertaken to identify the key issues that the neighbourhood plan needs to look at. It provided an opportunity for local people to have a further say about the future of their area. A total of 493 completed questionnaires were received to this survey.

Young Persons Questionnaire

In March 2019, a Young Person's questionnaire was undertaken for all those aged 11 to 17 years, inviting views of what they thought about where they live and what changes they would like to see. 14 completed questionnaires were received from residents of Queniborough.

School Children

In June 2019, children from Queniborough Primary School looked at the things they liked and disliked about the village and areas for improvement.

Queniborough Gazette

Throughout the plan preparation process, local people have been informed of progress through the website, presentations at Parish Council Meetings, Queniborough Gazette and Facebook.

Pre-submission Consultation

Under Regulation 14 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012, a pre-submission consultation period on the proposed Queniborough Neighbourhood Plan ran from 28 October 2019 to 9 December 2019.

A copy of the Pre-Submission Draft of the Neighbourhood Development Plan was available to download. 'Drop in' sessions concerning the Draft Neighbourhood Development Plan also took place. All representations and comments received have been considered and used to amend the draft Neighbourhood Plan.

Plan Evidence

The Queniborough Neighboroughood Plan Area

Queniborough Parish was designated as a Neighbourhood Area on 28 March 2017. The Qualifying Body is Queniborough Parish Council.

National Planning Policy Framework

The revised National Planning Policy Framework was updated on 19 February 2019 and sets out the government's planning policies for England and how these are expected to be applied.

The planning practice guidance to support the framework is published online.

The Local Plan

The adopted Local Plan for Charnwood is made up of the Charnwood Local Plan 2011 to 2028 Core Strategy (2015) and the saved policies from the Borough of Charnwood Local Plan (2004).

Charnwood Borough Council is in the process of preparing a new Local Plan for the borough for the period up to 2036.


Local Green Spaces

Services and Facilities



Planning Applications P/13/1692/2 and P/13/1613/2 can be view by visiting the Charnwood Borough Council's planning search page and searching on the application number.

Heritage and Design


Renewable Energy


Last updated: Thu, 03 Jun 2021 10:30