14th February 2025

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Queniborough Parish Council Serving the people of Queniborough

Policing Budget Precept Survey

Policing Budget Precept Survey

Message from the The Police & Crime Commissioner for Leicester, Leicestershire & Rutland

As you may be aware, I am currently seeking the views of the public regarding the upcoming budget for policing. I want to hear from as many people as possible to ensure that any decisions taken are in line with the will of the hard working, tax paying public.

I am aware the financial picture is tough for most households. The new Government is making exciting promises, but these need to be paid for. Currently we are suffering from the costs of national decisions not being met by central government. To date we have just about managed to keep our head above the water line, but any more pressure and we may sink.

I will continue to call for a review of the national police funding formula. Leicestershire is the 11th lowest funded per head of population, which as demand becomes greater and more complex inevitably brings us to a pinch point of priorities.

I look forward to hearing what residents think, the survey can be completed using the link below.

Posted: Thu, 9 Jan 2025 10:15 by Rachel Barlow-Skinner

Tags: Police, Precept