Steering Group Minutes of Meetings
Minutes of each Steering Group Meeting are approved at the following meeting and will then be published here.
Steering Group Minutes 20170404 (PDF, 122 Kb)
Queniborough Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Minutes 4th April 2017
Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Minutes 20170418 (PDF, 113 Kb)
Queniborough Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Minutes 18th April 2017
Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Minutes 20170502 (Word Document, 17 Kb)
Minutes of Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group 2nd May 2017
Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Minutes 20171530 (PDF, 116 Kb)
Minutes of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group 30th May 2017
NP Steering Group Minutes 20170627 (PDF, 203 Kb)
Minutes of the Queniborough Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group 27th June 2017
NP Steering Group Minutes 20170725 (PDF, 202 Kb)
Minutes of the Queniborough Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group 25th July 2017
Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Minutes 20170829 (PDF, 205 Kb)
Minutes of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group 29th August 2017
Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Minutes 20170926 (PDF, 365 Kb)
Minutes of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group 26th September 2017
Minutes of Steering Group 20171031 (PDF, 350 Kb)
Minutes of Steering Group 31st October 2017
Minutes of Steering Group20171212 (PDF, 430 Kb)
Minutes of the Steering Group Meeting 12th December 2017
Minutes of Steering Group 20180109 (PDF, 349 Kb)
Minutes of Steering Group 9th January 2018
Steering Group Minutes 20180213-2 (PDF, 352 Kb)
Minutes of Steering Group 13th February 2018
Minutes of Steering Group 13th March 2018 (PDF, 142 Kb)
Minutes of the Steering Group held on 13th March
Minutes of Steering Group 10th April 2018 (PDF, 143 Kb)
Minutes of Steering Group 10th April 2018
There was no Steering Group meeting in May 2018
NP Steering Group Minutes 20180612 (PDF, 186 Kb)
Minutes of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Meeting held on 12th June 2918.
There was no Steering Group meeting in July or August due to holidays and work being carried out in working groups.
Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Minutes 20180911 (PDF, 144 Kb)
Minutes of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group held on 11th September 2018
There was no Steering Group meeting in October or November as work proceeded on the first draft plan.
Neighbourhood Plan Minutes 20181211 (Word Document, 696 Kb)
Neighbourhood Steering Group minutes 20181211
Neighbourhood Steering Group minutes 20190108 (Word Document, 696 Kb)
Minutes of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group held on 8th January 2019
Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Minutes 20190219 (Word Document, 698 Kb)
Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Minutes 12th February 2019
Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Minutes 20190312 (Word Document, 698 Kb)
Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Minutes 12th March 2019
The was no Steering Group Meeting in April 2019
Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Minutes 20190514 (Word Document, 700 Kb)
Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Minutes 14th May 2019
Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Minutes 20190611 (Word Document, 700 Kb)
Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Meeting 11th June 2019
Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Minutes 20190709 (Word Document, 697 Kb)
Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Minutes 9th July 2019
Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Minutes 20190813 (Word Document, 698 Kb)
Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group 13th August 2019
Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Minutes 20190910 (PDF, 113 Kb)
Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Minutes 10th September 2019
Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Minutes 20191008 (PDF, 138 Kb)
Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Minutes 8th October 2019
Due to the Pre-submission consultation the Steering Group did not meet in November or December.
Steering Group Minutes 20200114 (PDF, 138 Kb)
Steering Group Minutes 14th January 2020
The Steering Group did not meet in February.
Steering Group Minutes 20200310 (PDF, 143 Kb)
Minutes of Steering Group held on 10th March 2020
During the Coronavirus lock down restrictions on meetings, the Steering Group continued to 'meet' and work on the plan via email and phone.
NP Steering Group Virtual Meeting Report 20200604 (Word Document, 18 Kb)
NP Steering Group Virtual Meeting Report 4th June 2020